About Cloverdale
Cosmetics for women who value their time

Cloverdale was born from the idea of simplifying the busy woman's facial care routine. We believe that just a few minutes a day is enough if you have quality cosmetic products at hand.
We offer you high-quality formulations of serums, face masks, creams. Our products are manufactured in the best European cosmetic factories.
Let us tell you how it all begins…
Me, Ugne started Master's studies in Chemistry, where I chose the chemistry of cosmetic products as the main focus. I had skin problems since childhood and wanted to learn how to solve skin issues fundamentally. Later, in 2011, I got my Master's degree in this field.
Me, Jana, got my Master's degree in Chemistry and we both met in the largest Lithuanian biotechnology companies. Ugnė was the head of the group at the time, and I was climbing the career towards this position. What we had in common was that we were both chemists in the biotech world, so we often produced creams and hair masks at team building parties, and that's how cosmetics became our hobby.
Big changes took place in the workplace at that time, Ugnė became value stream manager, and Jana became the head of the production department. Euphoria was replaced by busy work, responsibility, stress, burnout, and after a few years it was time for a change, as a result of which we both left our safe and secure jobs.

Perhaps our paths would never have met... But... You know that feeling when you see a familiar face in the crowd, you're happy and come over to say hello? We sat down for lunch, and realized that we are at a crossroads and we need to find a way out, to find harmony. Why harmony? Močiutė dažnai kartodavo Platono žodžius „Kūno grožis, sutapęs su sielos grožiu, sudaro harmoningą žmogų”. Tą dieną pietūs kartu tapo tradicija, o po kelių susitikimų gimė idėja gaminti išskirtinės kokybės kosmetiką, kuri padėtų užimtoms, skubančioms moterims pasiekti harmoniją ir negaišti daug laiko prie vaidrodžio.
Together, we have come a long way until in 2023, the first products - face serums and sheet face masks - became available to consumers. We carefully selected the main components, applied the most advanced cosmetics production technologies. We have performed an innumerable number of dermatological, efficiency, microbiological, physicochemical tests. We have done this enormous work to ensure the highest quality and efficiency of the products. And today we offer you three products
Power of Age – this line is inspired by our mothers, grandmothers, senior colleagues, whose wisdom and instilled values accompany us to this day.
Hydration Infusion - this is a line inspired by the holiday feeling. This especially deep moisturizing line is like a vacation for our skin!
Sensitive & Recovery - this is a line born from our personal problems with sensitive skin. Effectively soothes and revives when you need it most!